Michael Kors Wood Watches Silver tarnishes. Gold is so... '80s.

Michael Kors Wood Watches
Michael Kors Wood WatchesSilver tarnishes. Gold is so... '80s. And platinum's nice, if you've got wads of cash. One new (and affordable) trend in jewelry and watches we're excited about is wood. Like these Michael Kors watches with dark wood cases and full-grain leather straps. Choose the oval or the square style; both are $120 from Nordstrom. Want something a little more offbeat? Check out these men's and women's wood watches from Nixon.

eBay Launches New Oscar Suite

Filed under: Apparel, Jewelry, Celebrity Shopping

Even eBay is getting into the pre-Oscar fashion game. The eBay Fashion Suite at Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills opens today. The suite will feature designer clothing and one-of-a-kind diamond jewelry all of which was purchased and available on eBay. The eBay Fashion Suite includes fashion from designers Tracey Reese, Doo.Ri Chung, Adrienne Landau, and jewelry from designer Dana*David, and from the New York/London retailer, Showroom 64. eBay Style Director Constance White and eBay Jewelry Style Director Sandra Graham will be on site all week to offer advice.
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