Present for a leaving secretary

My secretary is unfortunately leaving me soon to teach English in the Far East. I’d like to get her a nice going away present, but I’m always weary of things like jewelry and perfume, because I worry they could be taken the wrong way. First of all, would that be appropriate and second of all, do you have any ideas?
Charles in East Brunswick.

You should know Jewelry never need be seen as an inappropriate gift, the trick is in what you give and the way you give it. Pick out something moderately priced, depending on your income, something suitable for day time wear, and give it with professionalism and you’ll be just fine.

Since your secretary is going to the Far East, how about this lovely 5 1/4 Carat Jade 14K Gold Pendant w/Chain. Jade, long treasured in China as the Royal Gem, is beautifully highlighted by a wistful yellow gold setting.

Versicle enough for daily wear, this pendant will serve as a perfectly appropriate gift to send her off with, and will remain a memento long after she returns.

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