January Birthstone - Garnet

red garnet earringsGarnet received its name from the Latin word for pomegranate, grana-tum, because its crystals reminded early scientists of pomegranate seeds. The most popular garnet color is deep red, but garnets may occur in almost every natural color except blue.

The garnet is an especially fitting birthstone for the first month of the new year, as it was historically believed to promote peace and end war. Garnets have also been thought to help cure disease, protect travelers from harm, and even slow bleeding.

The dramatic hue of red garnet always catches my eye. I find It goes stunningly well with earth tones and always leaves me feeling a bit like royalty.

The 2 carat red garnet earrings shown above are a fabulous way to show off this stunning gemstone. They are an absolute steal for only $60.

red garnet bracelet You should also see this dramatic 12 5/8 Carat Garnet 14K Gold Bracelet. Another beautiful way to showcase red garnet, and an incredible deal - more than twelve carats for only $225.

Also see this page for more great deals on a great birthstone.

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