The Meaning Of Diamond Cut

Diamonds come in a variety of shapes and styles, and it is to these differences that the names refer. One of the most popular diamond cuts is the brilliant cut. A brilliant cut means that the diamond has a number of kite-shaped facets which face outward and catch the light, thus showing off the diamond’s brilliance (hence the name, brilliant cut). Brilliant cut diamonds can even be classified further. There are round brilliant cut diamonds and princess cut brilliants. Princess cut diamonds are actually square and are one of the most popular diamond styles available today.

Two other popular diamond styles are the Emerald cut and the pear shaped diamond. The Emerald cut is a rectangular shaped gemstone with the corners cut off. This is done to protect them from getting chipped.

A pear shaped diamond is half oval shaped with the other half rising to a point, usually at the top. The look is slightly like that of a pear, hence the name.
There are various other cut and shape nuances when dealing with diamonds, but the ones listed above are the most popular.
These cuts are can be used with other gemstones as well, as seen on this beautiful Emerald cut Rose de France pendant. In fact, the Emerald cut derives its name from the Emerald gemstone.